Skin Diseases & Ayurved

Ayurved is an ancient Indian medical science that aims to maintain and cure diseases by balancing the three basic elements of the human body: Dosha, Dhatu, and Mala.
Imbalances in these elements can lead to various diseases, which manifest according to various factors such as constitution, season, and habitat. Skin diseases, known as "Kustha," are caused by vitiation of these elements.

Causes of Skin Diseases

Skin diseases can be caused by various factors, including dietary, behavioral, and specific causes. Dietary factors include excessive liquid, unctuous, heavy, yoghurt, fish, black gram, raddish, sesame, milk, jaggery, sour, salty, overeating, and incompatible diets.

Behavioral factors include exercise after meals, anger, cold water intake, and withholding natural urges. Specific causes, such as disobeying teachers and spiritual masters, may also contribute to skin diseases and fever.

Types of Skin DIseases in Ayurved

Ayurved skin diseases are categorized into two main types, Mahakustha (major skin diseases) and Kshudrakustha (minor skin diseases). These diseases can be treated based on the dominance of Dosha.
Vata dominant skin diseases cause dry, rough skin, while Pitta dominant skin diseases cause burning, red discoloration, foul smell, pustular discharge, white discoloration, itching, coldness, and infected wounds.

Skin Diseases & Panchkarma

Panchakarma is a treatment method in Ayurveda that involves two modalities: eliminating treatment and palliative treatment. In Shamana chikitsa, vitiated Dosha is pacified with oral medicines, while in Shodhana chikitsa, vitiated Dosha is eliminated through the nearest route.
It consists of five procedures: Vamana (emesis), Virechana (purgative), Basti (medical enema), Nasya (nasal administration), and Raktamokshana (bloodletting).
Panchakarma is recommended for skin diseases caused by large-enlarged Dosha vitiation, Nirama, and good patient strength. It should be given frequently for radicle removal of Dosha. The treatment also includes a special diet regimen to improve digestive power. However, proper administration is crucial to avoid complications.

Why choose us?

Choose Lotus Healthcare for Ayurvedic treatment of skin diseases, guided by the ancient Indian science of Ayurveda. We address imbalances in body elements through personalized care, considering factors like diet, behavior, and specific causes. Our approach categorizes skin diseases into major and minor types, treating them based on the dominant Dosha. Utilizing Panchakarma, a comprehensive Ayurvedic therapy, we offer elimination and palliative treatments for effective results. Our clinic ensures proper administration and dietary regimens, providing a holistic solution to manage skin health. Book an appointment for a balanced and natural approach to treat skin diseases.

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our testimonial

Ashwini Jadhav

Dr. Archana treated acne scars on left cheek, reducing 70%. A medical facial improved face glow and texture. Thank you for the treatment.

Varsha Nil

First of all, thank you, mam, for your kind efforts, which really lightened my "dark spot" as well as the "melesma patch, brighten combination." It was really a nice experience.

Supriya Gupta

I did my skin treatment, and I am amazed to see the difference only after one session. Thank you for your help and for suggesting treatments that suit my skin.